Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters:
Me, the Boston Pobble: Indiana Jones wanna-be, city girl, carnie-at-heart; Lithus: helicopter pilot, partner in crime, best friend, husband;
Various: mechanics, employers, companies and locals we are lucky enough to meet along the way.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Family Dinner

I’ve written about cookouts with the crew before here and here and have had so, so many of them in the years I wasn't writing the blog.

Sometimes they looked like this:
Snowed in in Grangeville, ID with the Billings crew
Snowed in in Grangeville, ID with the Billings crew

More often they looked like this:
Tailgating at the Red Carpet Inn, Medford, OR, with the mechanic from Airlift

And I'll be honest ~ the first couple are awkward. Getting to know a new crew takes a minute. So, the first ones tend to look like this: 

Behind the hotel, Modesto, CA

A little awkward, a little uncomfortable. But by the end of the evening, we were chatting comfortably, a little easier with each other. By the end of the season? Well, I have hope, because I know what Family Dinner can be.

And the adventure continues...

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