Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters:
Me, the Boston Pobble: Indiana Jones wanna-be, city girl, carnie-at-heart; Lithus: helicopter pilot, partner in crime, best friend, husband;
Various: mechanics, employers, companies and locals we are lucky enough to meet along the way.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

AAA TourBook

Back before there was the internet, there was the AAA TourBook. My dad and I would pour through them, planning trips. Looking at hotels, dreaming about staying at 5 star places, planning on staying at 3 star places, finding room service and pools. Looking up restaurants and activities. We planned out a cross-country move sitting on the white couch in the living room in Austin, surrounded by each state's travel book. He didn't need my help, but he let me help. Later, I would read them by myself, dreaming of far away places.

My grandmother's trunk with a throw-away line from my mom. My blue suitcase from my grandparents. The AAA TourBook with my dad. Did they recognize something in me, or did they create it? Maybe both. Nature v nurture. My vote is both.

Regardless, I was hanging out in the lobby in Richfield earlier this month when I saw this:

I was ridiculously pleased to learn that, even in the age of internet, the AAA TourBook is still around.

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