Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters:
Me, the Boston Pobble: Indiana Jones wanna-be, city girl, carnie-at-heart; Lithus: helicopter pilot, partner in crime, best friend, husband;
Various: mechanics, employers, companies and locals we are lucky enough to meet along the way.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Thank Goodness for...

...McDonald's...? Really?

For as interesting and glamourous as our lives often seem, we're really very mundane usually. Lithus flies. I write. Sure, we do it from different places occasionally, but it's really very basic. Take now, for example. We're in Klamath Falls, OR for him to fight fires this season. The only glitch has been that neither he nor
M-O-M have cell service where the fire is. But the fuel truck driver does, so he and M-O-M have used the driver's phone to call when they've needed me to know something, or needed me to handle something, or whatever.

Sometimes, though, it gets interesting.

The fire they are fighting is 45 minutes to an hour away by car. No cell service. But it's almost out. Another fire is brewing 300 miles away in John Day. They might be relocated today. But they might not. Before they left this morning, we were making a plan.

If they are relocated, Lithus will take off, and M-O-M will borrow the driver's phone and tell me. Then M-O-M would come back and get me. ...Wait, what? Drive an hour back here, just to get me, then drive another hour to get to the place he could have started from, then drive another 5 hours to get to John Day? Oh hell no. Call and I will rent a car, and meet up with everyone in John Day.

Except that we aren't at all sure where we would stay in John Day. And can't make reservations because we aren't sure we're relocating. And don't know for certain if we will even have cell service in the area. Or who will be where, when.

I finally said "if all else fails, when you get off work, I'll be at the McDonald's." To which Lithus replied, "you know there's a McDonald's?" Nope. But...I do. Because McDonald's is everywhere. And sure enough, there's a McDonald's in John Day, Oregon. The last thing I said to him as he headed out today was "if I need to be, I'll be at the McDonald's."

Now, I just got a call from Lithus (on the driver's phone). We're staying put for today, at least. But we have a plan. One that will probably stand from one small town relocation to the next. I'll be at the McDonald's.

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