Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters:
Me, the Boston Pobble: Indiana Jones wanna-be, city girl, carnie-at-heart; Lithus: helicopter pilot, partner in crime, best friend, husband;
Various: mechanics, employers, companies and locals we are lucky enough to meet along the way.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Images from Richfield

Sometimes, the pictures aren't worth a full post. That doesn't mean the stories aren't worth going in a collection.

A few months ago, an amazingly cool sky:

At the grocery store. Who...? What...?

Of course! That's who it is! He was giving out candies to the "naughty ones." He took one look at me, and gave me two.

The company Christmas party I mentioned over at Pobble Thoughts. We found our seats, but the decoration had its back to us. I decided I should turn it around. Eeeep!

Scary, cyclops gingerbread doll. I wanted to steal it, but didn't.
 The MC of the event had visited the open bar more than once when he first got up. He made more stops there as the night went on. One of the announcements went like this:

There's a bar here tonight. That means liquor. Remember, whatever you do, however you behave, you will have to live with it for the rest of your life! Yes, sir!

They were giving away gym bags. That announcement, that came close to the end of the night, went like this:

Those bags in the back room? Those are for employees. People who work for (the company). If you take more than one, you are taking something out of the hands of your colleagues. One each. If you've taken more than one, well, it takes a real man to bring 'em back. O-kaaaaaay... Now that I think of it, that was the last time he got the mic.

More of the company party...

Not scary gingerbread decoration

Lithus and one of the managers

Unrelated to the company party, I looked out the window the other day, and discovered an igloo. Check out the window in the picture. That will give you a sense of how big this thing is.

Again, nothing worth a full post, but fun stories anyway.

Note ~ Another childhood memory: When I was first taught this song (at the same preschool, from the Pobble Thoughts post), my teacher explained it was "'reindeer paws', so it means you can hear the sound of the reindeers' feet - their paws - on the rooftop." Forty years later and I have just now come to realize it's pause, as opposed to paws. Yay for karaoke lyrics!

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