Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters:
Me, the Boston Pobble: Indiana Jones wanna-be, city girl, carnie-at-heart; Lithus: helicopter pilot, partner in crime, best friend, husband;
Various: mechanics, employers, companies and locals we are lucky enough to meet along the way.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

First, the disclaimer:

This is not my video. I have never been to this village.

Now, that being could be any and all of the villages Lithus and I have visited. The grocery stores I know look like this one. The schools, the fields, even the post offices. And mostly, the people. The people I know are this happy, look this kind, are as wonderful as these people appear.

So happy holidays, from Alaska.

1 comment:

Gay Soldier's Husband said...

That was awesome. My favorite part was the jumping dogs.