Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters:
Me, the Boston Pobble: Indiana Jones wanna-be, city girl, carnie-at-heart; Lithus: helicopter pilot, partner in crime, best friend, husband;
Various: mechanics, employers, companies and locals we are lucky enough to meet along the way.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

From Fairbanks to Anchorage, by way of Denali

Some times, you just have to let the pictures speak for themselves.

But I have to be completely and totally honest here. Of all the truly beautiful and magnificent sights we saw this day, the most beautiful things I saw were these:

My beloved Lithus

And after four months in the Interior and the bush...The city of Anchorage. :)

1 comment:

Gay Soldier's Husband said...

Awwww... Beautiful!

I love the one of the tree hanging on the river bank - that's how I feel sometimes!