Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters:
Me, the Boston Pobble: Indiana Jones wanna-be, city girl, carnie-at-heart; Lithus: helicopter pilot, partner in crime, best friend, husband;
Various: mechanics, employers, companies and locals we are lucky enough to meet along the way.

Monday, July 5, 2010

More than Helicopters

The Ducks.
Super Scoopers (or, as I have always seen it in my head Sooper Scoopers)
The CL-215.

I love this aircraft. In fact, I think since the Concorde is no longer flying, this is probably my favorite fixed-wing aircraft. (Yes, if there was any question, the fact that I do indeed have a favorite fixed-wing aircraft ~ and the implication therein that I have a favorite rotor aircraft ~ should solidify once and for all my awesome level of goobieness. Which is now a word. And my suitability for a life as a gypsy. Or pilot groupie, whichever you prefer.)

I wish there was some way to capture the elegance of these aircraft. On the ground, they just look like the boxy warhorses they are. But in the air...Man, they're beautiful. And the fact that they harken back to the romance of WWII or African explorers doesn't hurt.


Neo_Prodigy said...

Those models remind me of the planes used in Duck Tales and Tale Spin.

Yeah, I went there.

Gay Soldier's Husband said...

Cool - they scoop up water and drop it on fires. How awesome is that???