Saturday, January 25, 2025

Synchronized Skating, with Mrs. Pike

Back when Mrs. Pike and I first met, I learned about synchronized skating. It was one of her passions. Over the years I've gone from having a vague idea that it was like synchronized swimming, just on top of the water instead of in it to having a less-vague idea that it was like synchronized swimming, just on top of the water instead of in it. And while we had hoped, I had never managed to get to a competition.


Last week, I was in the Delta Sky Club in Santiago and she was in the Delta Sky Club in Boston and we were comparing notes when she mentioned being in Harrisburg "next week." Wait...what? Turns out, she was judging here in Pennsylvania. "Next week." When we were home.

Before My Favorite and I had ever left the Sky Club, we had tickets and a room at the same hotel where she was staying. 

A road trip, a hotel, a new experience, sharing a friend's love after more than a decade, amazing conversation, and tight hugs. Sometimes the quick adventures are the best.

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