Thursday, February 3, 2022

Macy’s Windows

Growing up in Lynchburg, VA, I'd heard about department stores decorating their windows. Read about it in children's books. Listened to stories about children going into town and looking at the windows with mothers. When I first moved to Philly at 15, I wasn't thinking about looking at windows ~ I was thinking about getting my shows up, hanging out with the family I lived with, and getting home to the family I missed. I have no idea if Wannamaker's and Strawbridge's decorated their windows (but my money is on a resounding yes).

By the time I moved to Boston, the Downtown Crossing department stores had stopped doing it. I don't know if in the late 80s-early 90s it felt too old-fashioned (very possible) or if they'd never done it (doubtful) or what, but when I went to look, the windows were red and gold and silver clothing, but not the windows I had grown up hoping for.

Then I moved back to Philly. We came down to house hunt the week between Christmas and NYE, and there were windows! At Macy's! Downtown! Yep, my little six-year-old heart exploded in happiness. Ever since then, we've made it a point to get downtown to see the windows if we were in town in time. They've usually looked something like this (from 2020):

But this year, they did a story...


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