Saturday, September 11, 2021

On the Road 2021

After being reunited in La Verne and even having a few days to take a breath and enjoy being together again, the call came and we were headed to Missoula, MT. As so often happens, it was a day of flying but three days’ drive.

In a perfect example of why I have started this blog again, I already can’t quite remember where I stopped the first night but was probably in Utah. 🤔 What I do remember is by the end of the day’s drive, the weather was so bad and the skies so dark that I called my sister and asked her to check my local weather to make sure I wasn’t driving straight into a tornado. I wasn’t, but it was windy. 

And even that video doesn't do it real justice. I was rocked back on my heels a couple times to and from the gas station store.

The next morning, on the road again to spend the night in Idaho (Twin Falls, maybe?). Wherever it was, it was pretty.

It was a mostly uneventful trip, with only a few wind-related lane changes. But truthfully, uneventful road trips make me as happy—happier? —than the ones that make for good blogging. It’s not always interesting, but hey, I’m okay with that!

And the adventure continues.

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