Saturday, September 4, 2021

Elko, NV 2020

Last year, one of my last posts was wondering if I would go to SD or not. The answer was YES! So, I jumped in the silver Impala and headed out. Found a route that would get me there in three days without too much hard work.

Only, in spite of a clean bill of health from a Medford Midas, on day 2, my radiator temps started climbing. I kept coolant in her, rested her more often than I had planned on, but was making time. Until just outside of Elko, NV.

Yep. The gauge went deep into the red and I pulled over. Called AAA, and got ready to hike into town if needbe. Luckily, the tow truck could get to me within 30 minutes, so I was able to wait. And! I had pulled over fast enough that there was no damage to the Impala! But it did make for an interesting 3-day layover in Elko.

The adventure continue(d)… eventually.

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