Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Susanville, CA

Last I wrote, we were in Coalinga. The ship was picked up for a small fire in Susanville, CA, so we went to Susanville. NOTE: I had to check and see where we'd gone because I have already forgotten, and don't ask me what the dates we were anywhere are, because, wow, those are gone, too. 

Anyway, My Favorite had two days off, but we couldn't go anywhere other than Coalinga, because the relief pilot brought in a rental car and would need the rental car to leave in two days, only the fire in Coaliinga was out and so it was pretty much guaranteed that the ship would be released and sent somewhere else. And My Favorite wasn't getting off work until 8:30 PM the night before his two days, leaving us very little time to get anywhere and in a convoy or looking at driving back to Coalinga to pick up whichever car we left in Coalinga before heading wherever the ship was, in order to take the rental to the relief pilot. All in 48 hours. We decided to stay put and enjoy the hotel.

Sure enough, the ship got sent to Susanville, CA, 4.5 hours away. We had a lazy second day, checked out at noon, had some lunch in Lemoore, and headed down the road. Only there was a major accident up the road adding an hour and a half to the drive. So, we moved around that. And there was another accident. And there was a navigational glitch on our part. Finally, we threw up our hands and wandered a truck stop, looking at trucker shit. Eventually, we hit this stretch of road. At night. In the dark.

At which point, we reached a road closed due to the fire. So, My Favorite talked me through the road closure under the guise of my being essential personnel. 

Ten hours after we left Coalinga for our lazy 4.5 hour drive to Susanville, we rolled in.

For the first time ever, I spotted a fire and My Favorite called it in. He dubbed it the Rex Fire, because he's cool like that and loves me. A lot.

After the fires were out, and the guys had enjoyed a couple lazy days on stand-by, we were released.

Since they weren't picked up, the company sent everyone to Yreka, CA...

To be continued, because the adventure continues...

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