Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Family Dinner

I’ve written about cookouts with the crew before here and here and have had so, so many of them in the years I wasn't writing the blog.

Sometimes they looked like this:
Snowed in in Grangeville, ID with the Billings crew
Snowed in in Grangeville, ID with the Billings crew

More often they looked like this:
Tailgating at the Red Carpet Inn, Medford, OR, with the mechanic from Airlift

And I'll be honest ~ the first couple are awkward. Getting to know a new crew takes a minute. So, the first ones tend to look like this: 

Behind the hotel, Modesto, CA

A little awkward, a little uncomfortable. But by the end of the evening, we were chatting comfortably, a little easier with each other. By the end of the season? Well, I have hope, because I know what Family Dinner can be.

And the adventure continues...

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