Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Random NOLA

This is indeed still a travel blog, but I'm not traveling much these days. For a long time, that meant I wasn't updating here, either. Then it dawned on me: I live in New Orleans. Other people come here for vacation. Other people put my home on their travel blogs. So, why shouldn't I?

Every city I've ever been to has delightful, random happenings any given day, if you're just willing to see them. Thank goodness, New Orleans is no different.

Outside the coffee shop on the way to the grocery store:

The basketball game being set up in the road, just outside the Jesuit Cathedral:

Free jazz in the park on Thursdays:

And the shortest, most random, unexpected parade we've ever stumbled upon:

That was it. That was the whole parade. We hardly missed a traffic light rotation. Gotta love it.

Who am I kidding? You just gotta love my whole town.

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