Sunday, June 28, 2020

Thank you, Delta

Here in the US, we have what are known as "the big three" in the airline industry: American, United, and Delta. Now, Delta has been our favorite for years now. Their customer service is top-notch, they care about their people (so much so that they aren't unionized because the employees don't want to be), and their quality of care is consistently way above average. We have not had the same experience with American or United for as many years.

Back before COVID hit, I will admit, we were getting a bit disillusioned. Some policies had changed; perks were being limited or disappearing altogether; even the website got more difficult to navigate. It seemed they were caring more about their most elite passengers and less about those of us who just fly consistently. And, we were aware, that if we were feeling that way, two travelers who regularly achieve Silver (me) and Gold (My Favorite) medallion status, the people who fly one or two times a year must really be frustrated. So, we did, we looked around at other airlines. Had still decided that Delta was the best, but we were now open to options and wouldn't necessarily default to Delta without looking elsewhere first.

Then COVID-19 hit.

Of course, all the airlines in the country (the world?) practically had to shut down, not just the Big Three. When travel started picking up again, all three of them limited seating to provide distancing. But then we got into May, and it was if we collectively decided COVID-19 was gone. And somewhere in there, United started booking at 100%. Full flights, every seat taken, beverage service back in full-swing. This past week, American announced that it would start doing the same this week.

Except that our numbers are going back up again. The virus isn't gone. There isn't a vaccine. If anything, it looks like we are surpassing the numbers where we chose to lock down.

The last time we flew Delta, it looked like this:

Since then, they have started booking at 60% ~ but no middle seats are being booked unless you are part of a group. They announced they would keep this up until September. And this last week, at the same time American and United were choosing profits over passengers, Delta announced that they would continue limited seating through September.

Guess who has regained our loyalty? Thanks, Delta.

The adventure continues....

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Breakfast or...?

First, we are thrilled with our current hotel here in Modesto. Clean, oh so comfortable, dealing with COVID in a graceful way that keeps safety first and customer service a very very close second.

That being said....

COVID has changed a lot of things, including many hotels’ free breakfast, and it’s no different here. Instead of having the pre-COVID* breakfast offerings, they’ve gone to a bagged, grab-and-go option. The first morning here, we hadn’t gotten to the grocery store yet, so I grabbed one.

Breakfast of champions: basically a strawberry newton and chocolate cake. 

The world’s smallest piece of fresh fruit. Yes, it was whole but I forgot to take a picture before I peeled it. One section has been removed.

We’ve since made it to the grocery store. 🤣

The adventure continues...

* I originally wrote “normal” but I suspect this is going to be the new normal.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Getting Current

I’m not even about to try to catch up on the 5 years that have passed since I lasted posted regularly. This blog isn’t cumulative anyway; it’s meant to jump in anywhere and start reading.
So, let’s just do a quick summary to bring us current...

Boston Pobble. Still here. I go by Mame more often these days, but I’m not too worried about what you call me. Different times and all that. I’m still writing, moved into editing, too, and am tutoring (some truly amazing) people in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). And, of course, driving chase behind the helicopter, meeting My Favorite (most nights) at the end of the road.

Lots of hotel rooms. Juggling work deadlines, Zoom meetings, and lessons, with checkout times.

My Favorite is still the most handsome, most dashing pilot on the planet. I know you agree. Just look at him. 😍

Fire season started on June 6th this year, and looked like this. We’ve already been to San Dimas/La Verne, California, where this company is based, Ventura, back to San Dimas, San Luis Obispo, Turlock, Victorville, and now are in Modesto. 

And that brings us current! Thanks for coming back, finding me, coming along, whatever. Travel is more fun with a travel buddy. 🖤

The adventure continues....

Thursday, June 25, 2020 this thing on?

I’m back! So long as I can get the technology to work on a regular basis, anyway.

My Favorite, formerly known as Lithus, is still here. I’m still here, obviously. And the adventure continues.... Want to come along?