Sunday, July 8, 2018

En Route...

...from Richfield, UT to Walsenburg, CO. July 4-7, 2018.

Spent night in SLC, then to Evanston, WY for lunch (tiny town; waitress nearly incoherent with her crush on Lithus) before heading to Cheyenne and the Little America Hotel ( a truck stop) and civilization.

To Denver, which had changed enough to not be problematic. Literally, it was like visiting a place I'd never been before. Met a blog buddy, and was excited to learn he was as cool in person as he is online.

Spent the night at the Warwick Hotel, which was decadent.

Picked up the mechanic at DIA for the drive to Alamosa, CO, only to be told we were heading Walsenburg instead. When we arrived, I sent the text to my krewe, "I literally don't know what town this is, but we've arrived safely!"

Tiny struggling town. No laundromat (the pilots we're relieving have borrowed the car to go to Pueblo to do laundry). No medical care. At least the post office is still open.

Signs of life... When we got here, there was a kid's birthday being held in the hotel lobby. Cake, balloons, and the impression that the pool had been well-utilized. As the dad left with the remains of the cake, he called to the front desk "thanks again, boss, see you tomorrow." At the A&W at the truck stop where we had lunch, there was a family of about seven eating around the large table. When they were done, the man put his truck stop hat on and went back to work; the family had come to have a meal with him on his break.
The Best Western, Walsenburg, CO

On the balcony of the Warwick Hotel

Denver Skyline


Somewhere, WY

The Little America Hotel, Cheyenne, WY

The Warwick

the view from The Little America

Wyoming horizon

Wyoming rocks