Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pemberton, BC

From Richmond, we headed to Pemberton so Lithus could ferry a helicopter back to the States. We expected we would be there 2 or 3 days, so had the hotel through Thursday after arriving Tuesday. Wednesday, we extended through Saturday. Thursday, I inquired about availability through the weekend and into the next week.

Friday, Lithus called at 2:43 and told me to get packed; we were leaving. The aircraft had to get back to the States now. At 3:09, we were driving away from the hotel, bags packed and loaded, room cleared, hotel receipt in hand.

Rugged Canadian beauty; plastic American commercialism.
You're welcome.

This sign reads "Barn Raising May 2-4!!"

Dissonance ~ this is a light brew coffee. Gack.

The hotel and the view off our balcony.

The ferry from Canada to the US:

What happens when the pilot hands you a pen and says "write these numbers down."

Vancouver harbor

Vancouver International Airport from 4500 ft
 Why I ended up pretentious...

This is how I'm used to clearing customs any longer
All in all, it was a good 2 weeks.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Richmond, BC

We were last in Whistler. We spent a week there, went visiting Lithus' family (who I don't have permission to post, so I won't, but I ADORE them) for the weekend. We were supposed to head back to Whistler on Monday, but got waved off for about 3 days. Since we'd already said our goodbyes and let them get back to their lives, we found a place in Richmond., just outside of Vancouver.

We loved Richmond. Richmond is Asian. The signs are in Chinese. The menus are in Chinese. The language being spoken around you is Chinese. If you are a lucky American or Canadian, there might be English fine print. It was great.

Plus, Korean BBQ.

We were supposed to be there for 3-4 days. Unfortunately, that turned into 36 hours, so we didn't get to explore as much as we wanted. It was enough for us to know we needed to go back ~ and take Bil with us!

Next stop, Pemberton!

As an aside, has anyone else noticed that Vancouver skyline looks incredibly post-apocalyptic? Or is that just me?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Whistler, BC

Let's start our Canadian two weeks where it started ~ Whistler. Now, Whistler is adorable. Really cute. And a destination in its own right. I, however, didn't go quite as gaga over it as everyone had told me I would because I, too, live in a destination. And my mother lives in Tahoe, which is really just Whistler: US Annex. Still, it is beautiful and quaint and lovely.

See what I mean...?


Sculptures along the bridge across the river:

Bird skulls. Cool, right?

The view from our hotel room:

There was snow, in April:

A friend visiting for lunch:

And, in case you missed it when I posted it originally, Whistler is also where I discovered a can!

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Last you heard, I was being pretentious in the customs line entering Canada. A whole lot more happened. Whistler. Richmond. Pemberton. And I have pictures and stories to tell. But first, let's just get back into the swing here, shall we?

Pemberton, BC. It was a good spot.