Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bryce Canyon - More Pictures Than You Will Ever Need To See

We went to Bryce Canyon on a day off last week. It was breathtaking.

We stopped by the Visitors' Center, and took the obligatory photos there.

We became those people.

But we also were these people...

Actually candid, as he didn't know I was taking the picture

But more than any of that, we saw this...

On the way home, we passed by here:

And just beat the rain home...

It was a good day.

Monday, August 19, 2013

An Observation

A town is really small when a self-professed "good ol' country boy" whose kids are in 4H, who loves being outdoors, who adores his family, who is happiest in small towns, looks around at a place and asks, "What the hell do these people do with themselves?"

Just an observation...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Richfield, Utah

We finally found the liquor store and just bought our own rum. It has saved a lot of confusion. Nothing much to write about.

Just that we're here:

(okay, in fairness the drive in was pretty)

(maybe the odd seashell shower in the hotel from the first night, where there were these random seashell shelves that were completely nonfunctional, took up more than half of the shower space, and didn't have anything remotely to do with the decorative motif of the room)

Sticking farther out than appears and spaced efficiently for maximum body contortion

(except the fact that teenagers actually hang out at the ice cream shop and drink malteds here on Friday nights)

(and the fact that the Redbox movie kiosk is one of the most happening places in town)

(oh! the "fair" which was mostly livestock and food trucks, but at least now I've seen a sheared sheep)

(we've also been having Sunday dinners with the mechanic and the boss, which has been lovely because they are good guys and the boss is an excellent cook ~ and didn't even laugh at me for thinking a sheared sheep might be sick or something)

(mustn't forget the new manicure ~ red with black "French" tips ~ which is getting many...responses, shall we say, but that the manicurist loved giving me)

(30,000 year old camel bones were found in the hills surrounding us. Camel Bones)

(or the young man on the stoop playing guitar the other night that made us wistful for home, even while we were grateful to be here so we could hear him)

(although I could own up to the cattle auction live on the local cable station that held my attention far longer than a live stream of cows wandering around should have)

Nope. Nothing to write about. Richfield's pretty dull...