Saturday, July 27, 2013

An Arizona Aside

Starbuck and I are hanging out. A lot. Our guys like each other. We like the other's guy. And we haven't stopped talking since I got to town. We both keep talking about how we hope the other doesn't tire of it first, because we can't get enough of the other. So far, it's working.

Lithus gave her a tour of his office the other day...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

But It *Is* A Dry Heat

I missed a memo. That's the only thing I can figure. We've been in Arizona almost a week now, and I have just now figured out that when locals tell me I should be miserable in the heat, I need to agree that I am, I am. It is horrible. Hellish. I am indeed miserable.

And don't get me wrong: It's fucking hot. 100 degrees, 108 degrees...yeah, it's hot. But so is New Orleans. Shhhh....just don't say that too loudly. I am actually incredibly grateful Lithus and I are acclimated to 90+ degree temperatures with 75+% humidity, so we aren't completely dying here, because it is indeed hot. We just...aren't hot enough? Or something?

Regardless, I've learned. YES! Yes, it is hot and I am miserable! Miserable, miserable, miserable ~ and so grateful I'm used to it being hot. ;)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wheels Up!

We hit the road again tomorrow. Arizona, then Utah. I haven't traveled since November. I can hardly stand myself I'm so excited.

The project is scheduled to be a 2 week on-2 week off deal. Only the second pilot is hung up in INS out of Canada. So, could Lithus fly for at least two weeks, but possibly six, depending on how long immigration takes? Of course, he says!

Yesterday, he called to check in. Looks like the customer may want both pilots, two helicopters, full bore 'til it's done. But they may not be. Is Lithus willing to stay out indefinitely? So long as Pobble is with me, sure, he says.

What does it mean? It means we are on the road again ~ and we have no idea when we're coming back. Maybe two weeks. Maybe the first snowfall in Utah. We'll just see.