Thursday, September 30, 2010

From Fairbanks to Anchorage, by way of Denali

Some times, you just have to let the pictures speak for themselves.

But I have to be completely and totally honest here. Of all the truly beautiful and magnificent sights we saw this day, the most beautiful things I saw were these:

My beloved Lithus

And after four months in the Interior and the bush...The city of Anchorage. :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Deadhorse - Prudhoe Bay

The previous pictures of Brooks Range were taken en route to Deadhorse - Prudhoe Bay. Where is Deadhorse - Prudhoe Bay? It's here:

Yep. That's very very north-ish. And no, I don't know why it's called Deadhorse sometimes and Prudhoe Bay others. The town itself was best described to me as a large work camp, rather than an actual town. This makes sense once you've been there. We had some time the day we got there so asked at the desk of the hotel what there was to do in town and were told, after a very long pause, "well, you don't have to be staying here to use our pool table so lots of people come in for that." In fairness, there are a couple other hotels in town. And the one where we were staying had a lobby coffee shop. So, without further ado, Deadhorse:

The Alaskan Pipeline itself. For real and up close.

Our Hotel
Town, as we walked out the hotel door
The hotel in context of town
Same spot, different direction
Smurf shoes, worn inside the hotel at the request of management and housekeeping to avoid muddiness.